Case Studies


Malta International Airport

January 2024


                                   Removal of existing tungsten halogen PAPI and installation of new LED PAPI on runways 05 & 23.


RAF Waddington

December 2023


                                   Installation of new elevated and inset LED runway edge & end, centreline, threshold lighting.


RAF Marham 

November 2023


                                Supply and Installation of new wind direction indicator, replacement of sign facias and renumbering

                                  of the existing 06-24 runway paint markings with 05-23 and removal and reinstatement of

                                                                                  threshold luminaires.


Cardiff International Airport

November 2023


                                  Taxiway resurfacing and fillet works - Supply and Installation of new taxiway centreline lighting and     associated AGL secondary cables and relocation of existing runway guard lights.


RAF Wittering

September 2023


                              Supply and Installation of new LED AGL primary circuits, secondary cabling, luminaires, airfield signage                                on the runway including runway centreline, thresholds, ends, high intensity runway edge lighting, new                                   runway approach masts, B Centre refurbishment, high mast apron lighting and AGLCMS modifications.


Brighton City Airport

August 2023


        Supply and Installation of new taxiway blue edge lighting and associated AGL primary and

                   secondary cables and AGL series isolating transformers around the new helipad apron extension 


             Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay, Jamaica, (Caribbean)

July 2023


                                Supply and installation of airfield ground lighting associated with the runway extension and RESA's. 


London Oxford Airport

June 2023


         Installation of new AGL primary cabling, transformers, LED taxiway edge lighting,illuminated

                airfield signage and AGLCMS modifications and all Civils worksassociated with the new taxiway

AGL project.


ABHQ Midlands Air Ambulance

May 2023


                                Supply and installation of new Airfield Ground Lighting, Helipad lighting, TLOF, Wind direction

                                indicator, Airfield identification beacon, High mast lighting, Obstruction lighting, AGL lighting

                                control system and Pilot lighting controller.


Clayton J Lloyd Airport, Anguilla, (Caribbean)

April 2023


                                Supply and installation of new Airfield Ground Lighting, runway guard lights, airfield signage 

                               etc. associated with the new taxiway. Aircraft apron high mast lighting and car park lighting.


London Stansted Airport

January 2023


                                Supply and installation of new Airfield Ground Lighting seating pots, AGL series isolating

                                transformers, primary and secondary cables in the runway pavement following asphalt

                                surfacing by Lagan Aviation & Infrastructure Ltd.


London Oxford Airport

September 2022


                                Installation of new LED Airfield ground lighting on the newly constructed parallel taxiway, new 

                               LED elevated taxiway edge lighting, AGL primary circuits, transformers, illuminated airfield                                                      signage, stop bar lighting, seating ring installation and ALCMS modifications.


Retford (Gamston) Airport

July 2022


                                Installation of new inset LED Airfield ground lighting on the 02-20 runway, new AGL primary

                                circuits, cable chases, secondary cabling, seating ring installation, transformers, airfield

                                signage, constant current regulators, solar powered wind direction indicator, ALCMS and

                                pilot lighting controller.


Lippitts Hill Helicopter base

June 2022


                                Installation of new Helipad LED lighting, seating rings, inset LED lighting around the perimeter

                                of the helipad, AGL primary and secondary cables and transformers.


Bournemouth Airport

May 2022


                                Installation of new AGL primary and secondary cables, transformers and linlaners on Bravo

 and Romeo taxiways.


RAF Waddington

March 2022


                            Installation of new seating rings, flush fitting adapter plates and inset tungsten halogen runway

                            centre line AGL lighting in the RHAG sweep areas to replace the existing tungsten halogen lighting.


RAF Fairford

 December 2021


                          AGL installation works including AGL primary cables, Constant current regulator, transformers,

                          earthing, inset taxiway edge lights, illuminated airfield signs and static earthing on the aircraft stands.


London Oxford Airport 

October 2021


                                AGL installation on the new aircraft parking apron for hangar 1 at London Oxford Airport.

                               The AGL installation works included trenching for AGL primary cables, transformers, earthing

                                                                        and elevated taxiway edge lights.


Barbuda Airport (Caribbean) 

September 2021


                               AGL installation on the new airport on the island of Barbuda in the eastern caribbean. AGL on the

                              10-28 runway, taxiway and aircraft parking apron. The AGL installation works include AGL primary

                              and secondary cables, transformers, earthing, runway edge lighting, thresholds, PAPI's, 10 approach,

                              28 RTIL's, taxiway and apron blue edge lighting, illuminated signage, windsocks, ID Beacon, sub-

                                                                                station/B Centre, AGLCMS.


Cotswold Airport 

10th August 2021


                        Removal and replacement of 08-26 runway edge lights and secondary cables and re-installation following                                                                                  resurfacing of the runway.



 Brighton City Airport 

26th April 2021


                               Alpha taxiway: Installed new AGL primary cables, transformers, runway guard lights ncluding all                                                                                                   electrical terminations and Civils works.

                        Installed remote switching controller for the AGL lighting for Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance Helicopter

                                                                                    at Brighton City Airport.


John A Osbourne Airport Monserrat (Caribbean) 

7th April 2021


                        Removal and replacement of 10-28 runway inset threshold lighting following resurfacing of the runway.


Cornwall Airport Newquay 

8th March 2021


                         Installation of new inset AGL blue edge lights at the edge of the runway turn pad shoulders at both

                            ends of the 12-30 runways, Replacemnet of the existing elevated runway edge lights with

                                                                            new inset edge lights.


East Midlands Airport

 6th March 2021


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire – Phase 6.


Gloucestershire Airport

4th January 2021


AGL primary circuit fault investigation and rectification on runway 27 approach 


Brighton City Airport

23rd November 2020


Kilo taxiway: Installed new AGL primary cables and transformers including all electrical terminations and Civils works


East Midlands Airport

 07th November 2020


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire and Pit and Duct Survey – Phase 5.


Gloucestershire Airport

21st October 2020


AGL primary circuit fault investigation and rectification on runway 09-27, 09 & 27 PAPI and taxiways


RAF Shawbury

 27th July 2020


Replacement of TT8: new AGL Fittings, Transformers, Primary Cable, CCR and Controls.


Knock Airport

4th June 2020


Removal and reinstatement of AGL Fittings, new Seating Pots, new Secondary Cables and Flight Calibration Inspection.


RAF Brize Norton

13th March 2020


Removal and reinstatement of Runway Centreline and TDZ Seating Pots during runway resurfacing works, installation of new Runway Centreline and TDZ AGL Fittings.


East Midlands Airport

 29th February 2020


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire – Phase 4.


RAF Donna Hook & RAF Holbeach

27th January 2020


Installation of Helipad Lighting, Civil Works, CCR and Control System.


East Midlands Airport

 13th January 2020


East Apron Expansion including new Edge Lighting, Transformers, Cable and Seating Pots.


East Midlands Airport

 2nd November 2019


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire – Phase 3.


RAF Coningsby

9th September 2019


Installation of ASP Edge Lighting, Floodlighting, Static Earthing and Bollard Lighting.


London Southend Airport

30th April 2019


Runway Rehabilitation: removal of Inset Runway lighting for resurfacing, coring and reinstatement of Inset Runway lighting, PAPI height adjustment and Flight Calibration.


RAF Northolt

8th April 2019


Removal of existing Airfield Ground Lighting and all redundant associated infrastructure. Supply and installation of new light fittings and associated infrastructure for the AGL and Approach lighting. Upgrading to eliminate non-compliances and to ensure compliance with current standards.


Knock Airport

1st April 2019


Runway Resurfacing Project: Removal of Existing Light Fittings for Resurfacing and Coring, New Runway Edge and Turn Pad LED Light Fittings, Primary Cable, Secondary Cable, Transformers, Constant Current Regulators, Modifications to the Existing AGL Control and Monitoring System, Flight Calibration and MALMS test.


East Midlands Airport

2nd March 2019


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire – Phase 2.


Belfast International Airport

8th February 2019


Taxiway Charlie rehabilitation phase 1 which includes: removal and reinstatement of Taxiway Centreline and Stopbar lighting; reconnection of all Primary and Secondary Cable; installation of Secondary Cable, Earth Cable and Seating Pots.


 Knock Airport

29th November 2018


Inspection and testing AGL primary circuit cables.


East Midlands Airport

25th November 2018


Airfield Ground Lighting Rewire – Phase 1.


Carlisle Airport

4th July 2018


The supply and installation of the AGL system on Runway 06-24 and Runway 19 which includes: Approach, Runway Edge & End, Turning Pad, Threshold, PAPI, Runway Centreline, Guard Lights, Signs, Taxiway Edge, Stopbar, Windsock and CCR’s.


London Oxford Airport

 9th May 2018


Installation of RIELS to 01-19 Threshold.


London Oxford Airport

22nd December 2017


Removal of existing and installation of new LED 01-19 Runway Edge fittings, CCR’s & Stopbars. 01-19 Threshold re-alignment and installation of New 01 LED Threshold.


London Southend Airport

29th November 2017


Removal of Taxiway Bravo, Charlie Centreline, Edge and Stopbar fittings for re-use and the installation of new Centreline, Edge and Stopbar fittings on Taxiway Bravo, Charlie and new Zulu.


 East Midlands Airport

19th November 2017


Pit & Duct Survey.


RAF Marham

18th September 2017


Installation of LED Airfield Lighting to Runways 01-19 and 06-24. This work includes the Approaches, Runways, Existing & New Taxiways, STOL Strip, Apron Floodlighting, CCR’s and associated electrical works.


Norwich Airport

14th September 2017


Removal and reinstatement of Taxiway Charlie Light Fittings, Stopbar, Signs and Guard Lights. Installation of new Primary Cable, Secondary Cable and Transformers.


Dundee Airport

30th August 2017


Removal of existing CCR's and installation of existing CCR's.


Humberside Airport

20th July 2017


Replacement of existing lighting with new LED lighting on 02-20 Runway Centerline, 20 Threshold and 02-20 Lead On/Off.


Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield
19th June 2017


Removal and refurbishment of existing Runway Centerline, Edge, TDZ, 02 Threshold & Wingbars and Charlie Taxiway Lead On / Off and the installation of new Seating Rings and Secondary Cable.


London City Airport
16th June 2017


Installation of new LED Runway, Approach, PAPI & new Delta Taxiway lighting, DC Control Cabling and Illuminated Signs.


Benbecula Airport
2nd July 2016


Supply and Installation of replacement Approach, Threshold, PAPI, Runway and Taxiway lighting and illuminated Signs and Guard Lights with new LED fittings.


Cranfield Airport

21st March 2016


Installation of new pit and duct infrastructure to accommodate the new airfield communications cabling.

Installation of cable containment, antennas, lightning protection, earthing and obstruction lighting on the transmitter and receiver masts on the airfield.


Birmingham International Airport

3rd November 2014​​​​​


Phase 2 - Completion of Runway and Taxiway Airfield Ground Lighting Installation Incorporating: LED inset runway edge and end lighting, 15 threshold, and inset taxiway edge and centre line lighting and new constant current regulators.


Cotswold Airport
16th June 2014


Complete runway, taxiway and apron LED airfield ground lighting installation incorporating:

LED elevated and inset runway edge and end lighting, elevated wing thresholds, elevated and inset taxiway edge and apron, illuminated airfield guidance signs and runway guard lights. APAPI on both runways 08 & 26, airfield identification beacon, Constant current regulators and Touch screen, Plc Control and Monitoring System.


George Best Belfast City Airport
1st August 2013


Installation of a new 04 High Intensity Simple Approach. Condition survey of the 22 HI Approach


RAF Scampton
9th July 2013


Assembly and erection of 2 bespoke frangible Excel masts on the 22 High Intensity Approach.


Birmingham International Airport
8th April 2013


Complete runway rewire and installation of new AGL equipment including:

33 High Intensity CAT III 5 Bar Calvert Approach,15-33 Runway centreline, Touch down zone & Edge lighting, 15-33 Inset Threshold and wing bars, 33 PAPI, Taxiway centreline and edge lighting, Surface Movement Guidance System, Stop Bars, Illuminated signage, Runway guard lights (Wig-Wags), Constant Current Regulators, Control and Monitoring System, Extend Fibre Optic ring, HV Sub-Station.




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